How to create great kids summer memories
Finally, summer is here! This winter seemed to be endless! But, it did end, and now it’s July! Schools are closed and kids can finally catch a breath from all those obligations! Unfortunately, I still have to work, but seeing my happy kids and how free they feel, is all I need to be happy, too! Since there are only that many summers you have to live as a kid, I wanted to share some tips on how to help create great kids summer memories! These tips help me with my own family, or so I want to believe! After all, my kids aren’t grown up yet to know for sure what they will remember! But, hey, I was a very happy summer kid, so those experiences help me now, too!

Let them be with their friends for awesome kids summer memories
We all know how important our friends are, and even more so for when you are a kid! So it’s important to find ways for your kids to stay in touch with their friends, make new ones and meet and play! Meeting at parks, pools, and playgrounds is a great way to let them run free and have fun! I like to invite their friends to our home, too! Here they can play all together with our party game Wii, our DIY ping pong table, throw some hoops and just talk and laugh! One of my favorite sights, although it might seem odd, is their shoes outside our door!! The more shoes, the more good company, the more fun!!!

Let kids decide about what to do next
This is summer, so the “program” should not actually be a program. It should be flexible, fun, and spontaneous! Making up their own routine and do what they feel like doing, gives them a chance to get to feel that they are in charge of their own life and entertainment. Let them stay out late, watching the stars, and look after some that are falling to make a wish! They will definitely have wonderful summer memories when they get older, telling the stories of “Remember when we just began a water-balloon fight in the back yard and kept going until it was dark but we could find each other because of the light from the moon and stars???”

Being bored in summer is an absolute must
I don’t know about you, but one of my fondest memories is having to stay in my room at midday, reading comic books, and being quiet while the grown-ups took their siesta! The room was always hot, shades down so not too much of the sun was getting in, birds singing and the cicadas chirping! It was so amazing peaceful, maybe even boring, but it would build up so much anticipation of getting to meet all my friends in the afternoon! Also, being bored sometimes is one of the best ways to find new activities and fun things to do.
You don’t need to have fancy vacations to for your kids to make great summer memories
Ok, going on vacation definitely has its advantages! But that doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun at home and create great summer memories! The backyard, the balcony, even inside, can become a true stage of memory creation! Let the kids explore everything, cartograph their neighborhood, walk around with their friends if they are older! We got them a telescope one year to search the skies, and they loved it! Even searching in your attic and finding exciting things and learning about their history is a great way to have unforgettable moments!
Let kids explore more and have a little more freedom
I know this one is hard to do! I really know! My kids don’t want to go to a summer camp, but if they wanted to, I would try to convince myself to let them go! It’s important for kids to know they can achieve so many things on their own! Since my kids don’t go to summer camps, I try to leave them with my parents in my village for at least a couple of weeks. I don’t want to overwhelm my parents, so I go there on weekends, too! They are completely transformed – in a good way! – after these weeks at my parents! They always have a blast, they make new friends, go to the beach and learn that they can do without mom and dad, even if it is for only such a short time! We keep working all of this time. And to be honest, although these weeks feel weird without our kids, it’s a wonderful opportunity for me and my husband to reconnect after a long, tiresome winter!

Make keepsakes for your kids summer memories and let them make a mess
Summer is a wonderful time to take lots of photos and save things and memorabilia that will remind them of some fun they had! Also, gather beach treasures! At home, let your kids think of ideas on how to turn those into keepsakes, like making a scrapbook using them or frame them! We framed beach pebbles in the shape of a heart, made a dolphin out of sea-glass, and a matching frame with art out of seashells! If you want, check out our stories about them:
Summer is the ideal time for kids to play outside and make a mess! Let them play with water and earth, paint rocks and gather sticks and flowers! Inspire them and encourage them to try new techniques to make art and crafts! This way they will also be creating summer keepsakes by the way, and of course, happy memories! If you want some tips on how to choose the perfect craft project for your kids, check out our article:
Here are some more art and craft ideas for your kids to make this summer:
Teach them how to create their own happiness
As you can see, there is so much fun to be had with such simple things! Let your kids take the lead from now to then, and you will see that they will find the way to create happiness out of thin air, it seems! Just give them the freedom to do so, safely of course. And maybe – just maybe- this will help them create their happiness when they are all grown – up, too! Let’s hope so!!!
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