Sea Glass Craft Idea: Framed Dolphin
Finally, the beach treasures we gathered have all found their destination. Seashells became a wonderful heart, our cute heart stones were put on display, and lastly, the sea glass pieces we gathered did find the ideal sea glass craft idea for them… it was rather hard to find out, I have to admit! But now I understand something I often heard or read about when somebody would find something and just pick it up saying: “I’ll figure out later what I want to do with that!”.
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If you don’t live close by a beach, or you have difficulty to find sea glass, don’t be sad! You can buy beautiful sea glass pieces on Amazon, take a look at our picks:

Our sea glass pieces were oddly shaped and in different sizes. Especially the two biggest pieces were puzzling me. I washed them, put them in vinegar to lose some of the salt, and shined them with a little baby oil as good as I could.

Ideas for using your sea glass treasure
There are many people that have finding sea glass as a hobby! You can find tons of ideas online and in books!
There are even guides, lists, and tips for the best beaches for sea glass out there!
Other crafts to make with sea glass
Many people also drill a hole into sea glass pieces, but that’s too intimidating for me. Once drilled though, you can make beautiful necklaces or bracelets out of them. There are some already drilled sea glasses beads available online if anyone would want to try this out! Keep in mind though, that not everything called “sea glass” is actually found on beaches. There is a way to turn any glass piece or bead into a sea glass looking one, by sand wash them, but it’s a procedure you can’t easily do in your home.
I saw some summer craft ideas on Pinterest… they made super-cute frames with seahorses, trees or flowers with them, but to do something like that I would need much more pieces and more uniform ones… and then suddenly I realized that, putting the two big pieces together, they would resemble a big fishtail… but what kind of fish? Maybe a shark? Or a dolphin? My kids went for the dolphin and slowly it really all came together! All of the seashell parts seemed to belong in a certain dedicated spot. The fins, the beak, and the eye, they were all there. I really was impressed.

Our own little DIY beach craft gallery
The three frames, the sea glass dolphin, the seashells that became a wonderful heart, and our cute framed heart stones, found their place above my kids’ desk… And the most important thing with these projects is that we gathered all the pieces together! They will always remind us of a wonderful summer! I for one, love them, and so do the little ones!!!
I think that the result is really cute and they make a great themed set.

Travel ideas and tips on how to find beaches with sea glass
If you want to search for sea glass by yourself, try some of these 15 must know tips to find beach glass like a pro by Travel Inspired Living!
Visit some of the best sea glass beaches in the U.S. as proposed in this article by Simple Most.
And even travel the world to find some of the best beach glass beaches as proposed by Far & Wide!
For more great information on sea glass and travel ideas, look at this bucket list about sea glass by Seatail!