Christmas fairy door to the North Pole
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! And what a year 2021 was! I really – really! – hope that 2022 will be a better one for all! Now that Christmas is fast approaching, I started searching, once again, for something nice we could DIY for Christmas at home to give an extra magic touch to the Season! A friend showed me an idea that I had seen also on Pinterest, but never thought it could be adapted to match Christmas! A Christmas fairy door to magical lands! So, among the other fairy and elves doors, there are some pretty special ones! You have to try hard to find them, as they only appear around Christmas time and then they disappear! These doors are so magical because they lead to… were else? Santa’s home at the North Pole!!

How to get started to make a magical fairy door
This magical DIY is pretty easy to make, and I believe every family has some of the most important items already at home! You will need:
- A fairy door. You can easily use some that come with Lego or Playmobil sets or any other miniature door you have or even make one yourself.
- Miniature stairs to make it look more mysterious. If you can’t find any, it’s easy to craft some using thick paper.
- Small seasonal items, like a small Christmas sign, Christmas tree, boots, mini wreaths, signs, etc., that you think will add to the magic! Make sure to use items that have sizes that work well together, and I would advise against using figurines to make it look magical.
- Acrylic paints in Christmasy colors (green, red, white, glittery gold, etc.) and miniature/small tip paintbrushes. With these, you can make old items look like new, add snow, or just adjust the colors of the items you found at home.
- Double-sided adhesive tape.
- A spot on the wall where it makes sense to you!
3d print your Christmas elf door and decoration items
We bought ourselves a 3d printer last year, so we printed a cute door with a sign and stairs (printing stl files here: and a pair of boots. I also found a miniature tree that I thought would go well with the door, which I used.

The possibilities are endless, but to keep it “real”, I think you should not overdo it by using too much stuff (just my opinion though, do what you like most!).
There are also Christmas elf door sets on the internet to buy if you don’t have these items at home! They are too cute! And some of them even have fake lights and wreaths! Ohhhhhhhh how sweet (…writes down ideas…)!!!
How to put up the magical Christmas fairy door
After 3d printing those items, I proceeded to paint them. First, I painted the door. While there are a lot of red and white ideas out there, I wanted to go with earthy, glittery gold, and wooden colors for the door, to match my overall decoration, so I used brown, gold, transparent glitter paints, and yellowish paints. I think it turned out nice, didn’t it? I for once loved it! Next, I painted the stairs with glittery glossy transparent paint. Then I painted the boots black and used again some glitter. Finally, I added a little “snow” with white paint, on the doors, stairs, and boots, but I didn’t want too much of it. The tree was fine by itself, so I didn’t touch it!
And that was it! My items were ready! All I had to do was find a nice spot to place the door! It’s not easy! You want to find a spot where the door can be attached smoothly to the wall, you want it to be easy yet not too easy to be seen, you want it to make sense.

After finding the right spot, use some double-sided adhesive tape to attach the door and stairs to the wall, and place the other items on the left and right of the door and let the magic begin!
More Ideas for a wonderful Christmas
We had so much fun making this project, our very own Christmas fairy door! Although my kids are older now and don’t “buy” those kinds of things anymore, we loved how it looks and adds to our decorations! I can only imagine how excited smaller kids will be when they discover this!
I hope you like our cute little, magic, Christmas elf door to the North Pole and Santa’s home!
Please share the post if you do, to give inspiration to others out there! And feel free to browse some of our other DIY Christmas Ideas, like making DIY photo Christmas ornaments, DIY Christmas Advent Calendars, and check out our favorite chocolate sugar cookie recipe!!
Have fun making this and have yourself a merry little Christmas!!!

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