5 Rainy Day Ideas for Toddlers
Oh, those rainy days… when there is nothing to do outside with your little one. Or is there? Why not put your rain boots and raincoats on and get outside, letting your toddler enjoy the feel of soft raindrops falling on their faces or sticking their tongue out and get a taste of it? It is sure that it will be fun for both of you! And you can always jump in the water puddle again and again (and again)! But what if it’s REALLY raining and cold and windy? Well, read on to get a few rainy day ideas for toddlers and ideas on how to have a great time inside!

And if these are not enough, check out some of our other blog posts with great ideas:
Reading wonderful books is also a great way to spend some time with your toddler! You can see some of our favorite books in this post here.
It is always a good idea to educate your toddler while playing – or is it playing while educating? Well, anyway, there are many things to do both while having fun!
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1. Rainy day ideas: Finger paint fun
So, learn about colors by making your own, edible (since it can’t be for sure avoided of being eaten) finger paint with some greek yogurt and food coloring and letting your toddler paint on a large sheet of paper. You can also use non-toxic, safe finger paints. Of course that will always end up in a little – or big – mess, but the fun and happy face of your kid will reward you for sure!
2. Play music for the soul
Another great idea for a rainy day toddler games is to get out instruments, or anything that could be used as such for that matter, like pots, pans, cans, boxes, and so on, and just begin to make your own interpretation of known and loved songs. Or come up with new ones of your own! There is nothing more fun for a toddler then making noise and exploring sound and music!

3. Water pouring for fine motor skills
Of course, for some more quiet – yet again potential messy – activity, is to give your toddler a few plastic cups and containers of different sizes, arrange them on a table and provide him with a small amount of water. Show him a few times how to pour water from one container into another and then let the kid take over! Little children just love to do play with water! And this improves their fine motor skills, too!
4. Bowling for fun rainy day toddler games
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You could also try a simple bowling game! Get a bowling toy or some empty plastic bottles and arrange them on the floor so they build a triangle. Next, show your toddler how to take the ball and throw, push or kick it towards the bottles, so they fall down making noise! Let your toddler try and watch him how thrilled he will get when he hits the bottles! This will help your toddler improve his gross motor skills while having lots of fun!
5. Wooden puzzles – a classic for a reason
Last but not least, the good old wooden or plastic puzzles with large pieces. This is a quiet, yet very enjoyable game, which helps your child learn new words, recognize shapes and items and improve fine motor skills. There are a vast variety of puzzles out there from which you can choose according to the age of you toddler and of the things you want him to learn. You can find themes about shapes, animals, farms, toys, transportations, house items and so on with just two or more pieces. Your kid will have a lot of fun and a sense of achievement once it gets a piece of the puzzle in the right place. Just give it the time to try, make errors, then try again and help out by giving hints.
So, there is a lot fun stuff to do and great rainy day ideas to have a wonderful time with your toddler!
But, after all, it’s all about being with your toddler and having some quality time together. Having your full attention – this alone is enough to make your child having fun and being happy.